Boehringer-Ingleheim Obesity with CV Study

What is Obesity with Cardiovascular (CV) Complications?

The SYNCHRONIZE-CVOT Trial is testing an investigational medication to see if it is safe and whether it has any effect on the heart, blood vessels, and/or body weight. It is hoped the investigational medication

may help lower blood sugar levels. Treating overweight and obesity can help prevent weight-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and heart or liver disease, and improve quality of life.

Overweight and obesity are not:

  • just about food
  • resolved with guilt or shame
  • yours to manage alone
  • cured by a miracle treatment.

“Overweight” and obesity are complex, chronic (continuing for a long time) health conditions that can be caused by several factors, such as genetics, environment, hormones, or other medical conditions. Overweight and obesity cannot always be treated with only nutrition or physical activity changes because of the varied causes.

Are you eligible?

  • Overweight with established cardiovascular disease or chronic kidney disease, heart failure, coronary arterial disease, history of stroke or myocardial infarction or peripheral artery disease.

Be part of our Boehringer-Ingleheim Obesity with CV study!

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