Urinary Tract Infection Vaccine

What is a Urinary Tract Infection?

Think of "E. coli," and you probably picture outbreaks of foodborne illnesses that can cause severe stomach cramps, vomiting and more. After all, certain strains of the bacterium are among the most common and potentially lethal causes of food poisoning.

But there are other strains of E. coli. Some are harmless gut bacteria, but others are dangerous, and even fatal, particularly if you're an older adult. And due to rising antimicrobial resistance, the antibiotics used to fight dangerous infections caused by bacteremia, which occurs when bacteria enters the blood, and sepsis, the body's extreme and dangerous reaction to infection, are becoming less effective.

Older people are more vulnerable to UTIs because the bladder becomes weaker, and thus harder to fully empty, with age. The longer the urine remains in the bladder, the more likely it is that an infection will develop—and from there it can cause life-threatening bacteremia and sepsis, which occur when the bacteria enter the bloodstream.

Our study will assess the effectiveness and safety of an investigational vaccine in the prevention of blood infections in adults 60 years of age or older. If you are interested in participating in this clinical trial, please call 812-471-4110 with your contact information and we will inform you when the study begins.

Be part of our Urinary Tract Infection Vaccine study!

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