Diabetic Gastroparesis Study

What is Diabetic Gastroparesis?

Diabetic Gastroparesis is a condition that causes the stomach to not empty normally. It occurs in people with type 1 or 2 diabetes who experience damage to the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve helps your stomach muscles move food through the stomach and into the digestive tract. Once the vagus nerve is damaged, it can cause stomach discomfort, severe nausea, or vomiting after eating. These symptoms can be hard to manage and lead to other complications.


Food that stays in your stomach too long can spoil and lead to the growth of bacteria. Undigested food can harden and form a lump called a bezoar. It can block your stomach and keep what you eat from moving into the small intestine.

Gastroparesis can make it hard to control diabetes. When food finally does leave your stomach and enters the small intestine, your blood sugar goes up, too.

Other common terms for gastroparesis are:

  • Delayed gastric emptying
  • Slow stomach emptying
  • Lazy stomach
  • Gastropathy


If you have the following, you may be eligible to participate in our diabetic gastroparesis study:

  • 18 years or older
  • Confirmed diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
  • Diagnosed with gastroparesis, including gastrointestinal symptoms

Be part of our Diabetic Gastroparesis study!

Please fill out the form below to get in contact with MediSphere if you'd like to be part of our current medical studies.

Gastroparesis Contact Form

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