Medisphere Medical Research Center

Clinical Study Language

It is sometimes hard to understand Clinical Study Terms. Here are a few words and phrases you might hear:

  • Study-Related Medication

    Study-related medication - Some studies that we conduct have a drug, developed by the pharmaceutical company, to be given to study participants. The drug that is distributed is only related to that particular study.

  • Study-related medical care

    This phrase refers to the medical attention you will receive that relates to the study you are involved in.

  • Physical exams

    This phrase describes the observational procedures of the body, done by a doctor - which may vary from study to study.

  • Laboratory (Lab) work

    This is i.e. blood draw, collection of urine and nasal cultures. It is sent to a lab to determine information relating to the study.

  • At no cost/charge

    All study-related procedures, office visits, study medications are provided at no cost/charge to you. Some additional examples of what is offered in a study include the following: study-related medical care, physical exams, and lab work.

  • No insurance required

    You do not have to have insurance in order to participate in a research study. If have insurance, neither you nor your insurance provider will be billed for the study-related care provided.

  • Compensation for time & travel

    This is the financial amount (money) you receive for participating in a study. The amount varies from study to study.

  • Informed consent

    This form is given to you prior to being in a study. It is detailed information regarding the study, the risks of participation, and the benefits, which can be used for you to help determine your participation.

  • Study Visit

    This is the appointment that is set up for you to come and participate in a study.

  • Fasting

    Not consuming any food or drink. At our research site, volunteers are sometimes required to fast prior to an appointment. This action helps us determine, for example, your cholesterol levels with better accuracy.

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